Thursday, April 24, 2014

I often wonder if anyone still reads blogs, given the onslaught of facebook, twitter, and all the other quick, fix forms of communication.  And yet, here I am starting one.  Hmmmmmm......

Radio Free Babylon's Coffee with Jesus impressed me today.

How often is the day simple about swimming in the shallow end.  So, I want to get out of the shallow end and remember how to add coherent structure to swimming in the deep end.

As I wonder through my day, I am often struck by the intense nature of God being displayed and often ignored.  So this blog will merely be my observations on everyday theological matters.

Your comments will be appreciated, but must be civil.  I am not interested in engaging persons who still have their floaties on in the shallow end of the pool.


  1. I have donned my ducky flotation device and am ready to head to the deep end with you. God's Grace is deep and wide.

  2. Replies
    1. Catherine: Your Lenten FB activity inspired me. I really enjoyed the items your shared and the discussion. Thank you!

  3. I and my Presbyterian colleague took our high school youth group on a brief dip into the deep end the other night. We were there for a "stump the preacher" session. The kids had absolutely amazing questions. One member said she wonders if she's a good enough Christian, because she goes to church, and reads the Bible, and doesn't understand everything she reads or hears, and she has lots of questions and not a lot of answers. Another one asked, "The Ten Commandments say not to kill, but if you're a soldier serving in war, you have to kill; so is it okay then?" We discussed the difference between resurrection and immortality. Probably could have gone on all night; the kids had so many things they were thinking and wondering about.

  4. Aren't those the best discussions. Thank you for being there for these young people and helping them to see that the struggle with the questions is as (or more) important the the answers. The questions are so vital to faith development and our relationship with our creator. My friends in congregational ministry really ROCK.
